With the new DriveOn program just around the corner there is a LOT of FALSE info spreading,
Let me help clear some Misunderstanding, First off No you do NOT have to get your emissions test done at the same time as the safety inspection, shops will try to force you to do it but it’s Not Mandatory!
Next, (this one was funny) someone stated the tablets are always on and they are watching you and listening to everyone, hey last time I looked there are 13,000 stations across Ontario and if you estimate some stations will have 2 or more tablets PLUS the mobile Emissions techs and you can honestly say Parsons has 13,000 PLUS people just sitting at the desk listening and watching? OMGawd!
As for the inspection being done on the New Tablet yes there will be some new curse words picked up here and there but hey this is a change LONG OVER DUE! Designed to get the “lick n stick” shops shut down, yes it may cost a bit more for annual inspection but you do want your vehicle safe don’t you?
Here is another one, you have 3 shifts, only the tech who signed into the tablet to perform the inspection can FINISH the inspection! No you can NOT have someone log in and start then have the afternoon tech log in and finish only the tech that logged into the tablet to fill in the inspection can complete it you are NOT allowed to share your log in info!
Tech “A” can log in and PAUSE Their inspection and Tech “B” can log in BUT WILL NOT SEE Tech “A” inspection
All trucks and trailers MUST go to the shops for their annual inspection, the new tablets are GPS tracked and if you are planning on taking the tablet on the road to perform inspections you WILL get shut down, there is NO mobile inspection allowed at this time so plan ahead
Inspection can be done ANYTIME through the year there is NO change to when you do your annuals
Emissions can be done anytime though the year as well
More to follow……