DriveOn Phase 2 Rollout

MEMORANDUM TO:             Motor Vehicle Inspection Station (MVIS) and DriveON Stakeholders

FROM:                                   Jennifer Elliott


DATE:                                               April 26, 2024

SUBJECT:                           DriveON Phase 2 Rollout


In July 2022, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) started Phase 1 of the new DriveON program, combining the heavy-duty diesel vehicle emissions testing program and MTO’s Motor Vehicle Inspection Station (MVIS) Program into a single digital inspection program.

MTO is pleased to announce enrolment for the next phase of the DriveON program will be opening on May 9, 2024, for MVIS facilities that perform annual and semi-annual inspections. Onboarding into the DriveON program will be a Phased Enrolment Process. The key dates for enrolment are as follows:

May 9, 2024 – DriveON Portal Opens

·         MVIS facilities that perform annual and semi-annual inspections or a combination of both annual, semi-annual, and safety inspections on light duty/passenger vehicles, will be eligible to apply to the new DriveON program through the DriveON portal at

·         MVIS facilities whose applications are approved by the ministry will be onboarded into the DriveON program. This will allow you to purchase the necessary equipment through the DriveON portal. 

·         To ensure MVIS facilities receive their DriveON equipment prior to the ending of the MVIS Program annual and semi-annual inspections on July 31, 2024, it is recommended you complete the enrolment process and purchase equipment prior to June 1, 2024.

·         VICs performing non-mobile emissions inspections in DriveON will be able to add annual and semi-annual inspections or a combination of both annual, semi-annual and safety inspections for light duty/passenger vehicles to their profile via the Change Request process in the DriveON portal.

Complimentary Inspection Tablet

·         To help support the industry, the Ministry will be providing one complimentary inspection tablet (valued at $1,399 plus tax) to all currently licensed MVIS facilities whose applications have been approved to join the DriveON program. The tablet incentive will be applied during the purchase of the initial equipment package.

·         MVIS facilities that perform annual and semi–annual inspections or a combination of both annual, semi-annual, and safety inspections on light duty/passenger vehicles will be eligible to receive one complimentary inspection tablet if you onboard before August 1, 2024.

·         Current MVIS facilities that only perform light duty/passenger vehicle inspections will also be eligible for one complimentary inspection tablet when onboarding is open to them. More information on this will be announced soon. 

·         DriveON Inspection tablets will be delivered to Vehicle Inspection Centres (VICs) with only Training Mode functional. VICs will be able to use Training Mode on the Inspection Tablets once received, which will allow time for technicians to become familiar with the equipment and its use prior to starting inspections in DriveON.

·         MTO will notify VICs when to begin using the tablets for safety inspections. Until this time, all safety inspections will continue to be performed under the MVIS Program.

·         Once MTO has provided notification, VICs will stop performing inspections under the MVIS Program and inspections under the DriveON program will begin.

·         If you don’t apply to the DriveON program by July 31, 2024, you will no longer be able to conduct annual and semi-annual inspections under the MVIS Program. You will have to wait until the next phase of onboarding occurring after December 31, 2024, to apply and you will not be eligible to receive a complimentary inspection tablet.

August 1, 2024 – MVIS Annual and Semi-Annual Inspections End

·         MVIS facilities will no longer be able to issue annual or semi-annual stickers under the MVIS Program.

·         Unused MVIS stock of annual and semi-annual inspection stickers will no longer be valid as ofAugust 1, 2024. Any unused annual or semi-annual stock can be returned to the Ministry byAugust 31, 2024, for a refund. 

MVIS Facilities Performing Light duty/Passenger Inspections Only

·         Current MVIS facilities that only perform light duty/passenger vehicle inspections will be able to submit their application to become a VIC through the DriveON portal at a later date. More information will be communicated on this soon.

Technicians Entering the DriveON Program Must:

·         Have a valid Certificate of Qualification with Skilled Trades Ontario that is active and for which all fees have been paid. This information can be verified by calling 1-855-299-0028 or going online and checking the public registry for status through Skilled Trades Ontario at

·         Register as a technician on the DriveON portal.

·         Complete the mandatory online training available on the portal, which is free of charge and available 24/7.

MVIS facility owners and technicians are encouraged to review the Program Enrolment Package and begin collecting the required documents for their DriveON application. The Program Enrolment Package can be found on the DriveON portal

DriveON Vendor

Further information regarding the process on how to enrol in the DriveON program will be communicated by the DriveON vendor, Parsons Inc. Additional information can also be found on the DriveON portal at

If you have any questions about the new DriveON program, please contact the Vehicle Inspection Centre Assistance Line toll free at 1-833-420-2110 or by email at


Jennifer Elliott


DriveON Onboarding Q&A

Q1: I am a current MVIS facility. What will I need when I apply to the DriveON program?

A1: Once the DriveON portal www.driveonportal.comopens on May 9, 2024, information regarding the onboarding process can be found in the Program Enrolment Package on the DriveON portal. You can access the guide here at

Q2: Why is the Ministry rolling out the DriveON program in phases?

A2: The onboarding of MVIS facilities in phases will allow for sufficient time to ensure a smooth transition into DriveON with minimal impacts to businesses.

Q3: I am a current MVIS facility that performs Annual and Semi-Annual Inspections. When do I need to onboard into the DriveON program by?

A3: The current MVIS Program for annual and semi-annual inspections will end by August 1, 2024. An MVIS facility currently conducting these types of inspections will no longer be authorized by the Ministry to perform these types of inspections under the MVIS program as of August 1, 2024. It is strongly recommended to complete enrolment and equipment purchase prior to June 1, 2024, to allow for your application to be processed and equipment shipped in time.

Q4: How do I apply for my complimentary inspection tablet?

A4: Once an MVIS facility has completed their application to the DriveON program through the DriveON portal, tablet savings will be applied automatically to their equipment purchase order. No additional action will be required by the MVIS facility during the application process.

Q5: I have purchased my equipment, but the tablet is in training mode. Why do I have to wait to start inspections in DriveON?

A5: This will give new DriveON VICs an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the hardware and software before performing actual vehicle inspections. 

Q6: Am I able to purchase another tablet in addition to my complimentary one?

A6: Yes, MVIS facilities joining DriveON can purchase multiple tablets based on their operational needs. Additional tablets can be purchased individually or as part of additional packages.

Q7: I own an MVIS facility that performs safety inspections with two MVIS numbers. Do I get a free tablet for each MVIS number?

A7: Yes. One complimentary tablet will be provided for each MVIS ID number per VIC application.

Q8: If I want to have multiple tablets for my technicians, do I have to order a sticker printer to go with each tablet?

A8: At this time, the purchase of a tablet for commercial inspections, requires the purchase of a sticker printer. If an inspection tablet is solely used to perform non-commercial light duty safety inspections, a sticker printer is not required.

Note: The vendor is testing the printer’s capability to communicate with multiple inspection tablets to determine if a single printer can be used with multiple tablets. MTO will communicate the results at a future date.

Q9: When can my technicians register with DriveON?

A9: Once the DriveON portal www.driveonportal.comopens on May 9, 2024, technicians can begin the registration process on the portal. Once they have created their username and password, they can then start the mandatory online training available on the portal, which is free of charge and available 24/7.This can be done independent of the Vehicle Inspection Centre application process.

Q10: I am a current MVIS facility that only performs light duty/passenger inspections. How will I know when I can apply to the DriveON program? 

A10: The ministry will communicate onboarding dates for MVIS facilities that only perform light duty/passenger vehicle inspections at a later time. In the meantime, MVIS facilities planning to apply to the DriveON program should review the Program Enrolment Package found at www.driveonportal.comto begin collecting the necessary documents for their DriveON application. 

Q11: I am a current VIC in the DriveON program that only performs emissions inspections. Am I eligible for a complimentary inspection tablet?

A11: No, only currently licensed MVIS facilities that are onboarded into the DriveON program by the required dates are eligible to receive one complimentary inspection tablet.

Q12: Can a current MVIS facility add emissions capability to my VIC?

A12: Yes, MVIS stations can add emissions inspection capability to their VICs during onboarding. As a current MVIS, if you wish to also conduct DriveON Emissions inspections, you will indicate that in your onboarding application. The vendor will get back to you on the equipment delivery date based on a first come first serve basis.

Q13: I am a current MVIS facility that has been onboarded to the DriveON program. What do I do with all of my MVIS stock?

A13: Any unused annual inspection stickers with corresponding annual inspection certificate forms, semi-annual inspection stickers with corresponding semi-annual inspection certificate forms must be returned to the Ministry by August 31, 2024, for a refund.

Any unused safety standards certificate forms must be returned to the ministry by January 31, 2025, for a refund. Forms and certificates can be returned to the below address with the completed form, found here

Ministry of Transportation
MVIS Unit, 3rd Floor
301 St. Paul StreetSt. Catharines, ON L2R 7R4

Q14: I am a current MVIS facility – what if I don’t want to join the DriveON program?

A14: MVIS facilities that perform annual and semi-annual inspections or a combination of both annual, semi-annual, and safety inspections on light duty/passenger vehicles are encouraged to join the new DriveON program by July 31, 2024. After this date, no further annual, semi-annual inspections can be performed under the MVIS Program.

MVIS facilities that only perform light duty/passenger vehicle inspections are encouraged to join the new DriveON program by December 31, 2024. After this date, no light-duty/passenger vehicle inspections can be performed under the MVIS Program.